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New Federal Solar Grant Up To $5000

New Federal Solar Grant Up To $5000 Canadian Oil Might Just be Good for the Environment, and the World Future of Solar in Ontario MicroFIT Ends in Ontario How Do…

Canadian Oil Might Just be Good for the Environment, and the World

Climate change is real and it is man made. There are over 7 billion of us on this planet and we consume more than ever before. Our needs and desires…

Future of Solar in Ontario

Future of Solar in Ontario A lot has been said about Premier Doug Ford's announcements about the cancellation of various renewable energy programs and contracts. General consensus is that this will…

MicroFIT Ends in Ontario

IESO has recently announced that it will no longer accept new applications for the MicroFIT program as its procurement quota has been met (Read more). Applications that have already been…

How Do Solar Panels Impact House Prices in Ontario?

How do solar panels impact house prices? This question has come up many times so we thought we give our two cents on the topic. We are only discussing Ontario…

MicroFIT Basics – Less than 20MW of Capacity Remaining

As per IESO bi-weekly report on solar target before MicroFIT is shut, only 19.3 MW is remaining for the remainder of the year. You can see the bi-weekly reports on…

Only 23.1 MW of Target Remaining for 2017!!

Home Solar is hot right now as the hugely successful MicroFIT Program comes to an end later this year. As of August 18, 2017, only 22.1 MW of Procurement Target…

Benefits Of Home Solar

Extra stream of revenue: under the MicroFIT program, homeowners can earn anywhere between 100-400 every month from the solar panels on their roof tops. That is equavalent to having an…

microFIT Ends This Year!!!

IESO has announced that microFIT will end this year, making 2017 the last year IESO will accept new applications. In order to get a microFIT contract, qualified homeowners will need…