Extra stream of revenue: under the MicroFIT program, homeowners can earn anywhere between 100-400 every month from the solar panels on their roof tops. That is equavalent to having an extra room that is generating rent except there are no extra electricity, water or heating bills. Now that is exciting!!!
Protects shingles – number one enemy of shingles is the sunlight so why not turn that sunlight into an ally? By putting solar panels on the roof, especially where the sun shines the most you are not only generating extra income but also protecting the shingles from the harshest sunlight and helping the roof last longer.
Increased house value: potential buyer is not only purchasing the house but also an extra stream of income that is fully legal and virtually maintenance free. Which potential buyer would mind a few hundred bucks to help them pay for the mortgage?
Less AC useage/cost in summer: Since solar panels go the side of the roof where sun shines the most, it is easy to see that the roof would remain cooler compared to a roof that doesn’t have solar panels. So your cooling or AC costs in summer would go down significantly in summer months when sun shines the harshest.
Helps the environment: this is no secret that solar is amongst the cleanest source of power that there is. There are zero emissions and virtually no downside to putting solar on your rooftop.
Grid connection: One of the key and most under rated benefits of microfit is the grid connection. Let’s face it, not every house can be on the local grid as electricity generated from every house would be too much for any grid to handle. So typically about 10% of the houses in any area can be on the grid before the capacity is full and no more houses can be on the grid. So once you have secured a grid connection, you are able to participate in LDC/government run programs.